Spare Parts-FILTECO

Spare Parts - Service

F2_1_2We understand that every company has unique
needs, so each equipment offering needs to be unique. We also know that quick response is critical to keeping your equipment operating properly, so that is why we have developed this simple and easy to use on-line system.
We supplies spare parts for all equipment it sells especially for FILTECO PLANTS. Whether you have a newer piece of machinery or equipment from the early 1980's, we can service your parts needs.
We keep all equipment records in easy to access on-line files, so we can respond to your requests quickly and accurately. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.

F4_1As manufacturers of extrusion equipment we offer services and assistance to our customers not readily available from alternative sources. During the period we encourage thorough research and provide a demonstration site to help prospective customers fully appreciate the requirements of setting up and operating a mill.

At time of delivery we offer on-site assistance to correctly set up the machinery.
Instruction in fiber processing and machine operations is usually available on-site or at your or our demonstration mill. All of this assistance, set up and training is, in our opinion, essential to help new operators through the learning period. Post sale we are available for consultation and we endeavor to stock and supply any consumable products needed for continuous operation.